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What to expect

Please register to join us for Scotland’s leading sensing, imaging and IoT event – a free day of top class speakers, exhibitors, debate and networking. The day includes lunch and a post-event networking reception.

  • Hear from leading thinkers and challenge providers in the space
  • Meet exhibitors from industry and academia showcasing new technologies
  • Understand how businesses are delivering sensing, imaging and IoT solutions across a range of markets
  • Network and connect in person with key business people, policy makers and researchers

Who’s it for?

650 delegates attended the Tech Summit in 2023, creating a day that informed, inspired and challenged.

You’ll get the most from the day if you:

  • are involved in developing, selling or distributing sensing, imaging and/or IoT products and/or services
  • need or want to incorporate sensing, imaging and/or IoT products or services to generate improvements in your organisation or grow your business
  • are an academic researcher or doctoral/postdoc researcher working in this space
  • work in knowledge exchange, business development, policy creation that affects sensing, imaging or IoT in Scotland and beyond.

The Summit is not aimed at university undergraduates or taught postgraduate students.